Last week I had the opportunity to drive some of our training team to Nquthu to do some visits and assessments for training which we have done in the area, for the Aids Foundation.
It was really good to be back in the field. Doing home visits instead of pre-schools and sites, reminded me of some different aspects of the work we do- particularly the poverty, extreme conditions which people live in and the incredible hunger for education.
Driving to one of the households, we picked up the Community Motivator to save her walking the +-8km to get to there. I asked her to direct me- which she did... until I came to a halt- not seeing a road in front of me, but rather long grass.
My question was "where to now" - her reply "just go straight"
I laughed- but realised she was serious.... she said she thought there was a road underneath the grass- but not many cars go on it.
Saying a little prayer and hoping that I wasn't about to put the work vehicle in jepordy, we slowly moved forward. Arriving at our destination- I realised that I had just been taught a great lesson, an analogy for our work in the ECD sector...
sometimes we have a desired outcome- but aren't sure how to get there. sometimes we need to step out in faith and 'make our own road' - it might be that we are going where few have gone before, or perhaps revisiting an old path... but if we don't try- we would never know. Perhaps, if we are daring enough to set a new path, others might follow.
It was wonderful to visit the various households and see home based ECD in action, and the difference it's already making in the children's lives. We have been priviledged to train the 15 Community Motivators, as the Aids foundation start a project based on our Siyabathanda Abantwana model which was researched, written up, and been given best practice status by UNICEF.
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