There have been many occasions whilst managing LETCEE's community projects where I have had to go out into various communities on my own to find a place I have never been to before. This is often a daunting task with a limited Zulu vocabulary, however I am always astounded at how the task is always completed.
Just this morning I had to drive out into a community I have not been to before to fetch a letter from the Inkosi's home. The directions I was given were: drive to Dalton...check, then take Fawn Leas road and drive until you hit the dirt road...check and then stop and ask someone how to get to the Inkosi's home...what?
However, yet again I stand amazed at the friendliness and helpfulness of a community who do not know myself or LETCEE. A lady who had been waiting for a meeting to start took me right to the Inkosi's house just to ensure I got there safely. These experiences always remind me to take a look around and see how I can help the people (friends or strangers) that I come in contact with everyday.
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