Another group of LETCEE Level 4 students have completed their modules of training and will soon hand in their portfolios of evidence for final assessment.
The feedback in the reflections after training were incredibly positive, here are exerts from 2 learners...
"This course teach me how to handle and develop a child. It also help me to get more knowledge how to plan my activities. Now I do not have any problem to stand in front of the children because I know what I'm going to do with my children. I know how to work and communicate with children and the parents and how important it is to involve the parents in the ECD Site. I will encourage the other practitioners in my site to come and get what I got in Level 4, and I'm going to implement my knowledge in my site." - Nompumelelo
"When I started Level 4, I was willing to go extra miles, gain more knowledge about this course and to know better about Early Childhood Development. Look at where I am today: I have knowledge about a lots of things I have not known before, I know about teamwork, how to be a good ECD teacher and to to apply my knowledge and better understanding to the learners. And this is not the end for my carrer, I still want to get more knowledge. This course has changed a lot of things in my life." -Hlengiwe
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